
Read Chapters
from the Book

Additional Material
for Each Chapter

Other Reading on
Mind and Spirit

Psychologists Induce After-Death Communication

Christianity and Spiritual Growth

The Greater Reality


Contact the author


R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D.
The author of Your Eternal Self is R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., a writer and trainer of writers with 38 years' experience.


He is co-author with Allan Botkin, Psy.D., of Induced After Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma (Hampton Roads, 2005).

He has Web sites devoted to spiritual topics at



In addition to the dozens of courses, online interactive training materials, and print training materials he has developed, he is author or co-author of the following publications:

Dr. Hogan has extensive experience in writing and writing training:

  1. Founder and director of the Business Writing Center
  2. Founder and director of BWC Publications
  3. Professor of business communications, Illinois State University
  4. Professor of writing, Allegheny County College
  5. Professor of writing, University of Pittsburgh

He has owned two companies consulting with businesses in writing and writing training and has been a senior writer in another:

  1. Owner and senior writer, Softlink (documentation-writing company)
  2. Owner and general partner, Interactive Training Media
  3. Senior writer, Applied Science Associates

He has been an administrator in communications and adult education:

  1. Manager of communications, BankIllinois Company
  2. Director of adult extension studies, Wheaton College
  3. Educational development consultant, McMaster University
  4. Curriculum specialist, Chicago Medical School
  5. Faculty development consultant, External Studies Program, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Hogan has published articles about teaching writing in refereed journals:

  1. College Composition and Communication
  2. English Education
  3. OUPID Newsletter
  4. Proceedings of the National Conference on College Composition and Communication
  5. Proceedings of the Midwest Conference on English in the Two-Year College
  6. Research in the Teaching of English

Contact Dr. Hogan: rchogan@youreternalself.com.

The book is published in paperback by Greater Reality Publications. Click here to purchase a copy of the book.





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